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Sachasabu Sago Milkcake



Sachasabu Sago : 1 Cup

Sugar : 1 Cup

Milkmaid : 1/4 Tin

Milk : 1 Cup

Water : 1 Cup

Ghee : 2 tablespoon

May be add: Pista, Badam,Cashewnut, and Saffron as per taste.



Mix 1-Cup Water and milk and boil them on a stove.

Add the Sachasabu Sago and mix till boiled.

Add sugar to the boiled Sago and mix well.

Add Milkmaid and Ghee and mix them till it becomes a Semi-solid Mass.

Transfer the content to a plate, which is already given a thin coating of Ghee.

Allow the contents to cool and then cut to required shapes.

Other nuts and additives may be placed on the ready cake and it is ready to serve.